Fox 5 Analytics

597,691 people in the United States visited from Jan. 30th- Feb. 28th 2012, according to The number of visitors has greatly increased since the end of last year when only 237,795 people visited the site each month.

The demographics of website visitors is examined on both analytics websites. According to the website is visited more by females, 54 percent female and 46 percent male. The age group 35-44 years old visits Fox 5’s website the most, 28 percent. Only 6 percent are 65 years and older whereas the age group 18 year olds makes up percent. People with no kids as well as those who earn $50-100k have higher percentages of viewing Fox 5’s website. It was no surprise to find that college graduates and post-graduates have higher percentages of visiting the site than people with no college. In terms of ethnicity Caucasians makes up 55 percent of visitors. However, I was surprised to find that  African Americans make up 33 percent of the composition, while Hispanics make up 7 percent and Asians 4 percent. ranks as 5,625 in the U.S. and gives it a reputation 6,292. Websites such as, and link to Fox 5’s website, which improves it’s rank in search engines.

The top 5 search queries from search engines that drive traffic to are Brazilian big brother show scandale, fox news, fox 5 news, fox 5 dc and fox 5. The show scandele query got 5.02 percent of search traffic, whereas fox 5 news got 1.20 precent. High impact search queries for this website include fox news, big brother show, fox 5 news and big brother. These queries are relevant to the site and are actively targeted by competitors advertising on search engines. Within the last month the percentage of site traffic from search engines is 4.6 percent.

This analytics website compared the website traffic of to that of, CBS’s affiliate news station located in Washington, D.C. Fox 5’s website is ranked 22,879 globally and WUSA 9 is ranked 52,371. I found this especially interesting because I interned at both TV news stations. According to these analytics websites has been pretty successful in the amount of site traffic it gets. I was surprised with the number of views the website gets per month.

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